Art Analysis
Learning how to analyze art is not much different than analyzing things like data, literature, or rhetoric.
Consider starting by asking questions:
- Who is the artist (if known)?
- What time period was the piece created in?
- Who was the audience of this piece?
- What is the historical context of this piece?
Researching these topics will ensure that you are aware of the effects the artist, audience, and
historical context might have on the meaning of the piece. For example, Goya’s Third of May depicts
Napoleon's army shooting Spanish civilians during the Peninsular War, which could be easily
misunderstood without researching what was going on around the time Goya painted this piece.
When analyzing Third of May, it might also be helpful to note that Goya was a Spaniard.
Now that you have all of the background information about the piece you are writing on, you can
implement it in your essay. In the introduction, many writers state the subject (who/what the piece
depicts), audience (who was looking at the piece), date, location, medium (oil on canvas, marble,
etc.), and technique (how the artist created the piece). Stating this information will give your reader
the background they need to understand and follow your analysis.
After stating the basic information about your art piece, describe it. This section of your essay could
include descriptions of characters/figures, the story or theme being depicted, shapes, colors,
lighting, mood, and/or setting. To continue our example using Goya’s Third of May, one might
identify the figures on the left as Spanish civilians and the figures on the right as soldiers of
Napoleon’s army. One might also note the use of dark colors that is contrasted by the bright white
shirt of the main Spanish figure. It’s also appropriate to describe the feelings you have when looking
at your piece. For Goya’s Third of May maybe it’s fear, somberness, or melancholy.
Analysis should make up the majority of your paper. An analysis identifies parts, like
background and descriptive information, to understand a whole, in this case, a meaning out
of the piece. Using Goya’s Third of May as an example, one might point out that the painting depicts
the shooting of Spanish civilians during the Peninsular War and that Goya, himself, was a Spaniard
during this time (background information). Next, one might note how the soldiers are painted with
clear, uniform lines and their faces are not in view, whereas the civilians are painted with a more
painterly brushstroke and their expressive faces face the viewer (description). Based on all of this
information, one might infer that Goya is trying to highlight the tragedy of this event by showing the
humanity and innocence of the civilians and depicting the soldiers as inhumane (analysis). The
conclusions that you draw from your background information and description should all point to
one, larger, unique point you would like to make about your piece.. For Goya’s Third of May, it could
be that this painting represents suffering.
Your conclusion should remind the reader of the main point you would like to make about the
piece. It could also include how this point changes the meaning or typical reading of the artwork.
Dedicating a portion of your conclusion to how your piece influenced the art or artists that came
after it would also be appropriate.
A Bloody Gauguin: Rebirth and Liminality
In a letter to a fellow artist in 1901, artist Paul Gauguin writes from Tahiti, saying, “Other explanatory attributes—familiar symbols—would endow the canvas with a melancholic realism, and the problems propounded could no longer be a poem.”[1]
After a brief description of Jug in the Form of a Head, Self-Portrait, this discussion will start with the concept of primitivism as it was understood by Gauguin in the nineteenth century. Shortly after, the discussion will focus on particular concepts that the “primitive” cultures and Gauguin emulated—rebirth and liminality (See note 3).[3]
Jug in the Form of a Head, Self-Portrait
This self portrait of Gauguin is made with glazed stoneware, where the red glaze runs down the entire length of the piece (19.3 centimeters). The red glaze pools at the brows, under eyelid area, and upper lip. His portrait depicts his eyelids closed and the mouth and brows in a neutral position, not showing any extreme emotion on the face. On the opposite side of the jug is a decorated, closed handle (Fig. 1).
Primitivism, as it appeared in the nineteenth century, was a concept that revolved around “primitive,” indigenous cultures and their visual arts, with Africa and Polynesia being of popular interest.[4]
Gauguin was an avid supporter of primitivism’s philosophy, often writing about the innocence and divinity of the cultures he interacted with.[8]
Often overlooked by art historians is how Jug in the Form of a Head, Self-Portrait reveals Gauguin’s philosophy of primitivism in the context of rebirth. This stoneware piece depicts red glaze going down the head, alluding to blood. Most would think this to be showing death, but on the contrary, as Gauguin said, “Other explanatory attributes—familiar symbols—would endow the canvas with a melancholic realism, and the problems propounded could no longer be a poem.” The melancholic realism would be death, but the concept of rebirth is Gauguin’s poem. Notice how there are no wounds on Gauguin’s portrait and how the red glaze starts from the top of the head and drips down to the bottom. Rather than alluding to death, the glaze that pours down the self portrait would be a type of rebirth—alluding instead to the blood of a parent, such as a mother, or kin, and not the blood of the stone portrait. The artist prided himself in his ancestry and felt that it made him more of a “savage.” In 1889, Gauguin wrote to Theo van Gogh, saying, “You know that I have Indian blood, Inca blood in me, and it’s reflected in everything I do. It’s the basis of my personality; I try to confront rotten civilization with something more natural, based on savagery.”[12]
What this suggests is that Gauguin, having “Inca blood,” in his physical body, is rebirthing his artistic identity to become more primitive. This interpretation is supported, again, with the red blood on Jug in the Form of a Head, Self-Portrait because it drips down the sculpture without appearing to come from any particular wound. This would make the real, physical Gauguin, the parent—and the stoneware piece his artistic identity. Gauguin proudly explains this non-literal tendency of his, saying:
…everything in my work is calculated, and thought about for a long time. It is a sort of music, if you like. I create, by arrangement of lines and colours, using as a pretext some subject drawn from nature or life, symphonies, harmonies, which do not represent anything real in the ordinary sense of the word…simply by mysterious affinities which exist between our minds and such arrangements of colours and lines.[13]
The mysterious portrait represents Gauguin’s artistic identity because it is the start of his artistic shift to Polynesian-inspired art. Gauguin’s art goes through a major transitional period from 1888 to 1891. From Breton Women at the Turn, 1888, we see a small glimpse of his desire to paint something avant-garde using primitivist theory. In 1890, Gauguin sculpts La Luxure, clearly based off the Tahitian art that he saw in the Exposition Universelle (Fig. 3). And once he fully commits to his primitivist endeavors, he travels to Tahiti in 1891, indulging himself in the “primitive” mindset of the Tahitians and creating pieces like Matamua, featuring his own visual interpretation of the Tahitian gods (Fig. 4).[14]
Further evidence for this stone portrait being Gauguin’s artistic identity lies in his focus on the human head and personal correspondence. Of course, being a self-portrait, the piece would require the human head, but Gauguin often wrote about the connection between art and his mind. In a letter to his wife in 1892, Gauguin writes, “You say that I am wrong in staying away for so long from the centre of the art world. The centre of my art world is in my head, not anywhere else, and I am strong because I am never sidetracked by others and I do what is inside of me.”[15]
The rebirth of Gauguin’s artistic identity in Jug in the Form of a Head is further supported by the stoneware not being thrown. Thrown, or throwing, refers to the method of crafting ceramics, in which the clay is put on a potter’s wheel. Throwing clay on a potter’s wheel is an effective way of crafting a uniform vessel with speed.[17]
I am leaving for Tahiti, where I shall hope to end my days. My art, which I know you like, I regard as no more than a tender shoot, though one which I hope to develop into a wild and primitive growth, entirely for my own pleasure. What I need to obtain this end is peace and quiet. The honour and respect of other people are now of no concern to me. The European Gauguin has ceased to exist and no one will ever see any of his works here again.[20]
This is not the first time that Gauguin has hinted at the rebirth of his artistic identity. In Self-Portrait with the Yellow Christ, 1890-91, Gauguin has painted himself in the center of the image (Fig. 5). Featured on the left side is The Yellow Christ, a painting that Gauguin completed earlier in 1889, and on the right is Self-Portrait Tobacco Pot as Grotesque Head, one of his ceramics from 1889 (Fig. 6 and Fig.7). The Yellow Christ painting is a show of Gauguin’s work in Brittany, and clearly European, due to its use of cloissonisme, synthetism, and Christian iconography. Juxtaposing The Yellow Christ is Self-Portrait Tobacco Pot as Grotesque Head, a ceramic piece that holds zero resemblance to any other portrait Gauguin has ever made before. Self-Portrait Tobacco Pot as Grotesque Head holds similarity to the Mochica and Chimu ceramic traditions of Peru (200 BC-700 AD and AD 1100-1470, respectively).[21]
Speaking of liminal states, the Peruvian cultures which Gauguin took ceramic inspiration from also believed in the journey from one realm to the other, such as the transition between life and death, and this is called a liminal state, or liminality.[22]
A handle is a common feature on most ceramics, but what makes the handle on this piece significant is the connection to civilization and materialism. In 1750, a man named Adam Roberts inspired tea cup set designs to include handles, of which later became mass produced in the 1790s.[23]
Another liminality of this piece is the red blood. Red is a significant color in Gauguin’s works, most often showing a difference between the physical and spiritual realm. The same is true for Vision After the Sermon, 1888, where Gauguin separates the Breton women from the biblical scene through the use of red to denote that the women see a realm not of their world (Fig. 8). I would like to apply the same here, where the red blood depicts a liminal state of Gauguin’s artistic identity during rebirth. The blood is not of this world, but rather the Incan ancestry from his genetics. As it drips down the face, the red discerns the spiritual world of Gauguin’s “primitive,” “Indian” ancestors from the materialized handle. Like Vision After the Sermon, we see the spiritual realm meet the material.
Now, changing this conversation to see the big picture—the popular interpretation of Jug in the Form of a Head, Self-Portrait stems from the interpretation of the art historian Martin Bailey. Bailey theorizes that Jug in the Form of a Head, Self-Portrait represents the trauma that Gauguin suffered from experiencing Van Gogh’s self mutilation and one other death-related event.[25]
My interpretation pulls on evidence from Gauguin’s correspondence, visual aspects of the piece, his previous works, and even his future works. This paper has looked at how Gauguin participated in the discourse of primitivism and showed how he experimented with the ideas of rebirth and liminality in Jug in the Form of a Head, Self-Portrait to develop his artistic identity. In seeing this ceramic piece under Gauguin’s primitivist lens, we can gain a better sense of his artistic motivations, why his art transitioned so rapidly between 1888 and 1891, and finally, why he claims this:
You were wrong when once you said that I am not a savage. I am indeed a savage. And civilized people are aware of the fact, for in my works there is nothing that surprises or shocks apart from my being ‘a savage despite myself.’ That is why it is inimitable. A man’s work is an explanation of himself.[27]
“A Short History of the Tea Cup,” BYU Women’s Conference, accessed April 9, 2023,
Bailey, Martin, “Drama at Arles: New Light on Van Gogh’s Self-Mutilation,” Apollo vol. 162 no. 523, 2005: 31-41,
Braun, Barbara, Paul Gauguin’s Indian Identity: How Ancient Peruvian Pottery Inspired his Art, JSTOR, 1986, doi: 0141-6790/86/0901-036
Cantz, Hatjie, Paul Gauguin, ed. Raphael Bouvier and Martin Schwander, Basel: Fondation Beyeler, 2015.
Denvir, Bernard. Gauguin, Letters from Brittany and the South Seas, New York: Clarkson Potter Publishers, 1992.
Greub, Suzanne, “Gauguin and Polynesia: Encounter of Two Worlds,” in Gauguin Polynesia, ed. Suzanne Greub, Switzerland: Art Centre Basel, 2011.
Kherbek, William. “Paul Gauguin: Portraits” at the National Gallery. Vol. 32 2019.
Knapp, James F. "Primitivism and Empire: John Synge and Paul Gauguin." Comparative Literature 41, no. 1 (1989): 53-68. doi:10.2307/1770679.
Shackleford T.M., George, Where do we Come From? What are we? Where are we Going? Boston: MFA Publications, 2013.
Rubin, William, “Primitivism” in 20th Century Art, New York:The Museum of Modern Art, 1984.
● If you can’t find the word to describe an aspect of your piece,
● Your paper should include background information, description, and analysis
● Your analysis should support a single, unique take away from the piece
Are you ready to show your art analysis to one of our consultants? Here are some questions to get you started.
- Have I properly described the art work?
- Does my audience need more context?
- Does my analysis clearly identify a "whole" and its "parts"?
- Do I need more explanation on how each part functions?