Paired Tutoring Sign-up Skip to main content

Paired Tutoring Sign-up

If you are a student who needs extra writing support, consider signing up for the RWC's paired tutoring program. Students who fill out the sign-up form below will be paired with a writing tutor who meets with them weekly throughout the semester or term. Working towards the student's writing-related goals, the tutor will support the student with their writing assignments at every stage of the writing process.

If you speak English as a second language or are multilingual, you can receive course credit for signing up for a version of paired tutoring called the Writing Tutorial for Multilingual Students. For more information, click here.

Students can sign up for paired tutoring at any point during the semester. After submitting the form, you will be contacted by the RWC to coordinate the paired tutoring schedule.

For more information, contact Katie Watkins (, 801-422-9784).

Paired Tutoring Sign Up