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ESL & Multilingual Resources for Faculty

If you are a professor, instructor, advisor, or TA who works with multilingual students, welcome! We at the RWC are committed to providing equitable support for ESL and other multilingual student writers. Here, we will introduce you to the support resources we offer for both your students and you.

One-on-One Consultations
Writing Workshops
Training Materials
Flyers & Infographics

As with all students, ESL & multilingual students are welcome to drop in or schedule consultations at the RWC at any time. Please feel free to refer students to us! There’s a common misconception that to visit us, students must have a paper draft ready to revise. This is not the case! We work with students wherever they’re at in the writing process, whether they need help understanding a prompt or assignment, brainstorming ideas for their paper, creating an outline, revising a paragraph, or revising a full draft. We can even help students learn reading tips and strategies.

Click here for more information about our scheduled or drop-in consultations. Students interested in a consultation should visit our homepage ( for links to schedule an appointment, drop in virtually, or visit us in person at 3340 HBLL.

For undergraduate multilingual writers enrolled in writing-heavy courses, we have another option for support: The Writing Tutorial for Multilingual Students. In the Tutorial, students are paired one-on-one with a specially trained peer writing consultant. They meet with this same consultant for one hour every week from the time they join the Tutorial through the end of the semester.

The Tutorial has much in common with our regular, one-on-one consultations: meaningful collaborative experiences with a peer consultant, help at any stage of the writing process, student-led support, and so on. However, there are key differences:

1. Consultants in the Tutorial receive an additional level of training in working with multilingual writers.

2. Students in the Tutorial get consistent support over time from the same consultant (including help with setting and achieving goals) in a way that isn’t possible in a single session.

3. Undergraduate students enrolling in the Tutorial before the add/drop deadline can choose to receive one hour of course credit for their participation by enrolling in the course ELING 310R: Writing Tutorial for Multilingual Students.

Students who do not wish to receive course credit or who sign up after the add/drop deadline, can enroll in the not-for-credit version.

For more information about both versions of the Tutorial, you can watch this informational video, visit our web page for students here (this page includes links to the sign-up form) or reach out to Katie Watkins, the RWC Multilingual Writing Coordinator (

The RWC is happy to facilitate writing workshops, peer review workshops, class visits, and so on for your students. If you have a course or program with heavy multilingual enrollment and are interested in setting up a workshop for your students, please contact Katie Watkins, the RWC Multilingual Writing Coordinator (

We at the RWC would love to help you, your instructors, or your TAs learn more about practices and principles for helping ESL/multilingual students and responding to their writing.

Click below to download a short, asynchronous training document we developed for instructors and TAs:

For additional resources or to host a short, synchronous training, please contact Katie Watkins:


Click below to view or download flyers and infographics about RWC services for multilingual writers you can share with students as well as your department, office, or others. Feel free to print these or distribute them electronically. Choose the ones that best fit the population of students you serve regularly.