Students who visit the RWC meet with trained undergraduate writing or research consultants who will get to know them and the assignment, discuss their questions and concerns, review and discuss their work or ideas, and share feedback and resources to facilitate students’ long-term learning. The consultant’s highest priority is to help students develop increased confidence as writers and researchers.
Click on the tabs below to explore RWC resources available for faculty and classroom support.
Request A Class Visit
Syllabus Statement
Writing Center Representative
Course-Embedded Consultants
Assignment Bank Submission
Extra Help for a Student
Resources for Faculty
Request a Class Visit
As part of our mission to support and empower writers across campus, the Research and Writing Center offers brief, in-class presentations to introduce students and faculty to our program. During these presentations, trained consultants explain the concepts and strategies we use in our tutoring sessions, show students how to schedule appointments, answer questions, and encourage students in their personal writing projects.
The typical class visit lasts ~5–10 minutes
Consultants can present at the beginning or the end of class, whichever works best
We’ll confirm the date and time before our visit
We’re more than happy to cater our presentation to your specific course. For example, we can answer questions about how the Research and Writing Center can help with the unique genres of your field or the idiosyncrasies of your assignments
Virtual visits are possible
If you’re interested in having us stop by, please fill out the form below. If you have any questions, feel free to drop us a line.
Feel free to include the statement below in your syllabus to make your students aware of the Research & Writing Center and its resources:
The BYU Research & Writing Center (3340 HBLL) is a free collaborative learning space where trained undergraduates meet one-on-one with students to provide support and build confidence in the research and writing process. Students are invited to visit at any stage, from early brainstorming to final revisions. Schedule an in-person or online appointment in advance at Walk-ins are also welcome.
Writing Center Representatives
Do you encourage or incentivize students to visit the RWC as part of a writing assignment? If so, you might be interested in connecting your class with a Writing Center Representative.
Writing Center Representatives (WCRs) are experienced consultants who assist faculty and the RWC by offering both professors and students insight into writing center pedagogy and the RWC’s resources. WCRs can help prepare professors, students, and RWC consultants by
meeting with you, the professor, to discuss your assignment, including any course-specific or genre-specific expectations;
writing and distributing a “course memo,” including a summary of your assignment expectations and, if possible, an annotated assignment prompt and sample paper;
visiting your class to answer questions and introduce students to the RWC.
Interested in connecting with a Writing Center Rep? If so, fill out the form below. If you have questions, feel free to send an email.
Course-Embedded Consultants (CECs) are experienced writing tutors who are assigned to a specific course to help students throughout the entire semester on their writing projects.
CECs typically
attend class to learn the course material and to understand course needs and expectations
provide extensive writing assistance on all writing assignments, including helping students during the prewriting, drafting, and revising stages
hold face-to-face consultations with each student, offering formative and specific feedback on analysis, synthesis, thesis, organization, evidence, format, grammar, etc.
support professors unable to dedicate significant time to writing instruction by running writing workshops outside of class, holding periodic office hours, and creating writing-specific resources for students (handouts, examples, etc.)
Overall, CECs hope to improve writing across the curriculum by helping faculty carry out writing assignments and by providing students with careful, constructive, and supportive assistance throughout the writing process.
If you are a faculty member or advisor working with a student who needs extra writing support, consider directing the student to the RWC's paired tutoring program. Students who fill out the sign-up form below will be paired with a writing tutor who meets with them weekly throughout the semester or term. Working towards the student's writing-related goals, the tutor will support the student with their writing assignments at every stage of the writing process.
Examples of students who might benefit from paired tutoring include the following:
Students with anxiety related to writing
Students working towards a specific writing goal or large project (capstone, Honors thesis, etc.)
Returning or non-traditional students
Students with learning disabilities
Students with extenuating circumstances who need help catching up in their writing courses
Students who speak English as a second language or are otherwise multilingual*
*ESL/multilingual students can receive course credit for participating in a version of paired tutoring called the Writing Tutorial for Multilingual Students. For more information, click here.
Students can sign up for paired tutoring at any point during the semester. After submitting the form, the student will be contacted by the RWC to coordinate the paired tutoring schedule.
For more information, contact Katie Watkins (, 801-422-9784). Click the button below for the sign-up form:
Faculty and staff writers are welcome to use Research & Writing Center services in addition to other on-campus programs designed to assist faculty with writing, editing, and teaching. Some additional resources are listed below: