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Writing Consultant Application

Writing Consultant Application
Basic Information
Class Standing
Résumé and Cover Letter
Résumés should be tailored to the position, professional (in tone, formatting, and document design), and polished (no errors in grammar or mechanics). Cover letters should be properly formatted and approximately one page, single-spaced. Highlight your interest in, qualifications for, and contributions to working in the Writing Center. Letters should be detailed, professional (in tone and formatting), polished (no errors in grammar or mechanics), and addressed to Tyler Gardner, Writing Center Manager.
Writing Samples and Descriptions
Include two samples of academic writing. One should be from a class in your major. For each writing sample, include a description of the assignment, including the course and professor for which it was written, and the strengths the sample reveals about you as a writer. Creative writing or personal (non-academic) writing should be submitted in the third (optional) field.
Faculty Reference
List the name and contact information for a faculty member who can comment on your writing skills and your ability to work with others. Note: this is not a request for a letter of reference from the faculty member.